
1 - The Firebird - Introduction
2 - The Firebird - The Firebird and its Dance
3 - The Firebird - Variation of the Firebird
4 - The Firebird - The Princesses' Khorovod
5 - The Firebird - Infernal Dance of King Kashchei
6 - The Firebird - Lullaby
7 - The Firebird - Finale
8 - Petrushka - First Tableau - The Carnival
9 - Petrushka - First Tableau - Sleight of Hand
10 - Petrushka - First Tableau - Russian Dance
11 - Petrushka - Second Tableau - Petrushka's Room
12 - Petrushka - Third Tableau - The Moor
13 - Petrushka - Third Tableau - Dance of the Ballerina
14 - Petrushka - Third Tableau - Waltz (The Ballerina and the Moor)
15 - Petrushka - Fourth Tableau - The Grand Carnival (Evening)
16 - Petrushka - Fourth Tableau - Dance of the Wet-Nurses
17 - Petrushka - Fourth Tableau - The Peasant and the Bear
18 - Petrushka - Fourth Tableau - Gypsies and a Rake Vendor
19 - Petrushka - Fourth Tableau - Dance of the Coachmen
20 - Petrushka - Fourth Tableau - Masks
21 - The Rite of Spring - The Adoration of Earth - Introduction
22 - The Rite of Spring - The Augurs of Spring
23 - The Rite of Spring - The Ritual of Abduction
24 - The Rite of Spring - Spring Rounds
25 - The Rite of Spring - The Ritual of the Rival Tribes
26 - The Rite of Spring - The Sage's Procession
27 - The Rite of Spring - The Adoration of the Earth
28 - The Rite of Spring - Dance of the Earth
29 - The Rite of Spring - The Sacrifice - Introduction
30 - The Rite of Spring - Dance of the Mystical Circles
31 - The Rite of Spring - Glorification of the Chosen One
32 - The Rite of Spring - Evocation of the Ancestors
33 - The Rite of Spring - Ritual Action of the Ancestors
34 - The Rite of Spring - The Sacred Dance
ADDA Simfònica
Ritual Dances - Book of Great Ballets
3CD (Aria Classics, 2022)

Enregistrament que inclou tres dels grans ballets d'Ígor Stravinski gravats sota la direcció artística de Josep Vicent al capdavant de l'orquestra ADDA Simfònica: The Firebird (Suite 1919), Petrushka (Revisio 1947), Burlesque Scenes in Four Tableaux i The Rite Of Spring.